Transvaluation of all values - with Wes Cecil
The Transvalution of all Values series is designed to address the powerful feeling that the world is, indeed, changing in some substantial way. I will explore the nature of the changes, why our values are ill suited to addressing them, and how we can go about developing new values that more closely match the world we find ourselves inhabiting.
The third lecture in the Transvaluation series explores the thought patterns we have inherited from our culture that cause us to think like we are slaves even though we are not. Presented at Peninsula College by Wesely Cecil PhD.
The second lecture in the Transvaluation series delivered by Wesley Cecil PhD. at Peninsula College. This lecture explores the place of the individual within the contemporary world.
The first lecture in a series that will explore the misfit between the cultural values we have inherited and the world we actually inhabit. This lecture presented at Peninsula College by Wesley Cecil PhD.